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文章以浙江海洋学院外国语学院近几年开展的青年志愿者服务社区活动为例,总结了高校青年志愿者参与社区建设的四种模式,提出通过建立合理的经费机制、科学的考评机制和广泛的宣传机制进一步加强高校青年志愿者参与社区建设的建议。  相似文献   
卡夫丁峡谷的跨越问题是马克思恩格斯具体分析俄国农村公社制度的理论成果,其理论依据是历史唯物主义的基本观点。重新考察卡夫丁峡谷的跨越问题的理论境遇与历史意义,对于深入认识社会主义革命与建设的基本规律具有深远的意义。  相似文献   
基于心理契约理论的高校青年教师激励策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着高等教育的快速发展和人事制度改革的不断深入,高校录用了大批本科、硕博士研究生从事教学、科研与管理工作,青年教师作为高校发展的生力军,关系到高校的竞争实力。为此,本文以分析高校青年教师心理特点为切入点,运用心理契约理论,探索寻找高校青年教师的激励策略,以求发挥他们的积极性,真正成为高校发展的力量储备。  相似文献   
近期富士康员工跳楼事件将农民工的心理健康问题推到了风口浪尖上。人们开始关注农民工的心理健康问题。生活环境差、远离家人、缺乏个人空间、信息闭塞交流不畅、收入低等不利因素很容易使农民工出现焦虑、自卑等心理亚健康状态。学历层次低、缺乏专长使农民工很难立足城市,而很多农民工又有很强的城市情节,他们将自己的人生目标锁定在城市,而与此矛盾的却是针对农民工心理健康教育的空白与缺失。结合农民工的心理特点分析了农民工心理亚健康状态的成因,并提出完善用工体制,加强农民工职业规划教育,建立农民工心理健康检测干预体系,结合社区工作积极构建针对农民工的心理健康支持系统等应对措施。  相似文献   
失地农民再就业问题一直是民生问题中的重要课题,现在的金融危机可谓是对失地农民再就业问题的解决雪上加霜。邯郸在解决此问题上可以把发挥文化资源优势融合进来,以文化产业为依托,为失地农民开创就业空间。  相似文献   
和谐社会视域下的"农二代"市民化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对“农二代”市民化主、客观条件的描述,认为“农二代”是农民工队伍中最有可能实现市民化的一个群体,但“农二代”在市民化道路上还存在着种种客观障碍。事实上,“农二代”市民化是构建和谐社会必不可少的要素。结合“农二代”的主观意愿,提出了一些制度创新与政策改革的相关对策,以拆除阻碍其市民化的篱栅,促进和谐社会的构建。  相似文献   
以国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部资助的青年科学基金项目为对象,从资助项目的资金增长情况、学科分布、获资助单位的性质和隶属关系、获资助者的专业职务结构四个方面分析了青年科学基金从成立以来,在数理学部的资助情况。并基于知识生产函数建立了绩效评价模型测度体系,对数理学部青年科学基金的投入产出进行了实证研究,得出数理学部不同学科不同阶段的青年科学基金项目的绩效水平。  相似文献   
毛泽东在领导中国革命和社会主义建设的实践中,始终认定并坚持相信和依靠农民这个最广大的群体。然而,他的兴奋点和聚焦点更多是农民中的贫苦阶层。在革命战争时期,他们是革命的先锋和主力军,建国后他们依然是政治舞台上的主唱。毛泽东的这一认识,既使他带领全国人民取得了新民主主义革命的胜利,也对其后我国的社会主义建设带来了深刻影响。历史昭示我们,只有认清谁是农民的主体,才是真正认识农民的关键。  相似文献   
Children who spend time in care are more likely to have an official record of offending behaviour than the general population. However, there is a lack of longitudinal research on the timing, severity, and volume of offending in relation to time spent in and out of care. Furthermore, differences in patterns of offending by identifiable groups in care are rarely a focus of research. This study is both longitudinal and identifies 8 groups within the care population with different volumes of recorded offending: ranging from a mean of 41.75 (prolific) to 1.60 (low). Substance misuse, gender, and reasons for referral to care were associated with different patterns of offending in and out of care. The study is primarily based on a subsample of 64 children who had offended whilst in care. The subsample represents 38.5% of a cohort of children who had been in care or were taken into care over a particular period (2008–2011) in one local authority. The placements and recorded offences of the 64 children were tracked for a further 2 years (2011–2013). The study highlights future areas of research and the need for more tailored responses to different groups within the care system.  相似文献   
Participation in decision‐making procedures of young people in care is considered a key element that affects their current or future living circumstances and might improve the quality of decision‐making on and delivery of provided services. This narrative literature review, covering the period 2000–2016, focuses on the opportunities of young people to participate, the challenges and facilitators to participation, and the outcomes of care related to participation. Sixteen studies met our search criteria. Several studies show that young people seem to have limited possibilities to “meaningful” participation in decision‐making. Various challenges and facilitators in the participation process emerge with regard to the level of the young person, the professional, and the (sociocultural) context. None of the studies provides evidence for a connection between the “amount” of youth participation in decision‐making and/or treatment during the care process and the outcomes of residential care. Implications for research and practice are reflected upon.  相似文献   
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